
One day experiential Doushin Butoh workshop

Doushin Butoh Experience

This one-day workshop is for people who want a first-time experience of Doushin Butoh.  The essence of Doushin Butoh is “resonance,” that is experience beyond idea or concept that can only be felt.  In this class, the students are guided in simple repetitive movements that we call “conditioning.”  As students you will be guided into a movement meditation and experience the connection between your body, mind and the universe.

Come and experience the power of Resonance!

Currently no workshop scheduled

Please join Doushin Resonance Experience in Heart of Tao Resonance Art. 

woman peaking on glass window panel

Doushin Butoh Workshop

Doushin Butoh Workshop is designed to explore the hidden potential of our body. Using movement meditation techniques from Spring Forest Qigong and body awareness techniques from Subbody Butoh, Doushin Butoh allow the practitioners to go deep into a meditative state and explore their body in a whole new way. 

This workshop will focus on the essential aspects of Doushin Butoh: 

- Go deep into a meditative state by practicing Spring Forest Qigong healing movements and meditation
- Increase the awareness of our body by practicing body conditioning techniques from Subbody Butoh
- Go beyond our physical, psychological and social bounds and experience freedom of movements in our body
- Experience oneness with everything around us and feel the natural flow of Qi in the universe
- Experience Subtle Body by quieting down the daily consciousness and listen to the subtle sensations in our body

Recommended Study:  Spring Forest Qigong Level One (, Doushin Butoh Experience Workshop, Qi Flow class from Heart of Tao Resonance Art (

Currently, no workshop scheduled. 

Please join Doushin Resonance Experience in Heart of Tao Resonance Art.